Of course, after an extended hiatus, I WOULD start up this beast again right when finals are around the corner. Of course.
But, if you (whoever that may be) were expecting drawn-out posts, I am sorry to disappoint--I'll just be posting random tidbits per usual.
So, here's a quick list of what has been going on with me since I last checked in:
- San Fran with Jacks
- Chicago with Jacks
- Max turned 23
- Jacks moves into new apartment (jealous)
- Jacks turned 23
- Jacks started Med School (so proud)
- I start my second year of law school
- Max starts working full-time at mega-PR firm
- Friends got married
- Firefly 5k with Max
- Pumpkin patch road trip with Rebecca
- Halloweekend: I was a jack-o-lantern, a smashed pinata, a Mexican (not very PC) and Steve Jobs (too soon?)
- I turned 25
- Max moves into new apartment (jealous)
- Attended my first Falcons game, had AWESOME seats (jealous?)
And there you have it. I'm sure there was more, but I have finals to study for. Duh.
Wow, looking at this list, I'd say that Max and my sister are having a pretty amazing year so far. I'm so proud and excited for them!